Self Employed

The Self-Employed Program seeks to bring people who will become self-employed in Canada. They must have either:

  • relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics, and
    • intend and be able to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life of Canada, or
  • experience in managing a farm, and
    • intend and be able to buy and manage a farm in Canada.

Relevant experience for a self-employed person means at least two years of
It must be during the period starting five years before the day you apply and ending on the day we make a decision on your application.
The experience must be:

  • for cultural activities:
    1. two one-year periods being self-employed in cultural activities, or
    2. two one-year periods participating at a world-class level in cultural activities, or
    3. a combination of a one-year period described in A above, and a one-year period
    4. described in B above.
  • for athletics:
    1. two one-year periods being self-employed in athletics, or
    2. two one-year periods participating at a world class level in athletics, or
    3. a combination of a one-year period described in a above, and a one-year period
    4. described in b above, and
  • for buying and managing a farm, two one-year periods managing a farm.
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